With Great Power Comes Great...Empathy!
Hear me, good brother.
We at the height are ready to decline.
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures. (IV.ii.269–276)
Hear me, good brother.
We at the height are ready to decline.
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures. (IV.ii.269–276)
Imagine. You're a famous author and equally shrewd judge of character, asked to write a story about a powerful company that will later change the course of history. Who would you cast as CEO? Options as begrudging as you maybe, are...
Alexander. Adolf Hitler. Winston Churchill. Abraham Lincoln. Jesus. (Before he turned Christ).
As you start reflecting on the life and times of each individual, you realize each display a brand of leadership so unique, most companies today would not hesitate to give their middle arms to hire.
Alexander the Great was all about leading from the front. Not one to sit around on some high horse giving orders, he will rub shoulders with you and show by example what it takes to roll up sleeves and bury your elbows deep in work. This is a far cry from leaders today who expect you to continue marching until you have blisters on your feet while they get to ride in a jeep.
The world stands aside for men like that who will toil night or day to move mountains and company bottom lines with burning passion and indefatigable drive. Can possibly this guy be bested?
Ask yourself the question, what works at the end of the day? Some guy who is loved or feared at work? Moreover, if your idea of doing business conjures images of some room full of table thumping, cigar chomping, tough negotiators- who can, nay, will get hard hitting results without a shred of doubt?
Adolf Hitler. Führer. Or, whatever you wish to call.
I'm dead serious. If you want the man who can get your people on toes or get business rivals to sweat with a single glance and show off to the board the wherewithal on top, how to survive any economic downturn, you need look no further.
His perfect, clinical approach around acquisition strategy coupled with a penchant for scientific exploration will curry much favor with stake and shareholders alike, even if you and I approve or not. After all, not many will pass up a chance to retire early and get silly rich!
Nope. You finally decide. You seek a man everyone loves to listen when he speaks and loves to speak to when he listens. The guy everyone looks upto for inspiration in times of crisis. Someone like Winston Churchill? Correct, the man who could motivate his troops in the darkest hours with tongue-in-cheek humor, 'If you're going through hell, keep walking'.
Born leader with a gift of gab, as most employees will later say in company surveys. Trouble is, critics called him out on his politics. Someone known more for a laissez-faire attitude towards high rollers, than his modesty. Nowhere near Steve Jobs or Narayana Murthy. Someone, perhaps you are not ready to hang your hat on yet?
I know you're starting to wish you had a cloudy crystal ball to search Mr El Populare cause your CEOs seem just well dressed bounty hunters. Now, where can you find some authentic character not purchased by greed or gain? Can today's corporate capitalism even exist without waste? Yes, when a nondescript log cabin and bible builds moral fiber in shape and form of lawyer and a just statesman, Abe Lincoln.
In corridors of power he stands tall when he says, 'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test a man's character, give him power'. Very true, in a world where power is confused with greatness and with great power, often comes moral decadence.
Nevertheless, why judge people by scriptures of their faith or scars from their past, when you could embrace them by the content of their hearts? Sounds utopian, if not crazy? Clearly, Jesus didn't think so and guess what, in response we started a religion en masse around him!
Of all 5 skills- leading from the front, being loved or feared, offering pep talks, displaying authentic character- empathy is truly the most underrated, given how others have certainly seized the tide at flood. Research, however shows the best leaders lean towards empathy like a good fisherman goes out of his way to bait his hook with what the fish prefer- not a bad tip for those in power who wish to succeed in managing human emotions.
Ain't your productivity linked to positive emotions?
In corridors of power he stands tall when he says, 'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test a man's character, give him power'. Very true, in a world where power is confused with greatness and with great power, often comes moral decadence.
Nevertheless, why judge people by scriptures of their faith or scars from their past, when you could embrace them by the content of their hearts? Sounds utopian, if not crazy? Clearly, Jesus didn't think so and guess what, in response we started a religion en masse around him!
Of all 5 skills- leading from the front, being loved or feared, offering pep talks, displaying authentic character- empathy is truly the most underrated, given how others have certainly seized the tide at flood. Research, however shows the best leaders lean towards empathy like a good fisherman goes out of his way to bait his hook with what the fish prefer- not a bad tip for those in power who wish to succeed in managing human emotions.
Ain't your productivity linked to positive emotions?
I mean, you can't really go far or get the best out of a bull by waving a red flag in its face, can you? Yet, isn't this what we normally do?
So, why is empathy a rara-avis when we're seldom creatures of dry logic? Maybe we have no right to manage others till we learn how to first manage our emotions. Or, we mistake empathy with sharp listening skills and end up replying bluntly. Still some lack a sensitivity chip or secretly prejudiced or simply couldn't care less. But the fact stays, you can have anything you want in life, if you can help others get what they want.
Show me, I'll forget. Teach me, I might remember. Mentor me, I'll learn. Empathize with me, I'm sold!
Oh, and hey, an empath is like a woman. If you go about saying you are one, you are least likely one.
Empathy. Human touch in mundane conversations. Fair, enough? Well, don't take my word. After you die, check your epitaph to see who gave a damn. I still need to battle my own demons.